Your Mental Health Companion


Welcome to Mental Health Toolkit


Mental Health Toolkit ( MH Toolkit) is an innovative initiative by a group of Mental Health Professionals, Psychologists, and Social Workers.

Our efforts focus on

  1. Mental Health Literacy: We organize in-person and online programs in schools, colleges, workplaces, and the community to educate them about early signs of mental health issues, ways to prevent them, and how to support those affected.
  2. Improving Access to Services: We offer simple tools both offline and offline which can aid in mass screening of the general population which aids in early detection. We offer free, paid services and guide the individuals to seek care as per their preferences.
  3. Rights of Mentally Ill: We actively monitor the policy changes related to mental health and ways in which they affect the rights of those with mental illness, liaison with policymakers and media to push the reforms in the right direction.


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